Sunday 3 July 2016

We have a tall fence

We have a tall fence
All around our back garden
It's our own heaven

The ground is level
There are fruit trees and a pond
With some fish in it

The kids laugh and play
The dog joins in all the fun
His licks are kisses

Meanwhile the cat hides
Glaring crossly at us now
Right under the plants

I love the summer
A ladybird now crawls up
The ripe rhubarb stalk

Butterflies flutter
Dancing in the warm air
Counting the days

Just a few weeks left
For it to be all over
When winter comes through

We ride the seasons
Following their strict order
Embracing our lives

We have each other
Our love makes this world go round
It is our heaven

Image found at


  1. We all need our own little heaven. Mine is a tiny flower filled balcony, but it's heaven to me. I need nothing more.

    A misty moisty morning

  2. We ride the seasons
    Following their strict order
    Embracing our lives

    That sums it all. One is governed by nature's surroundings to be restricted by its fancies.


  3. What a lovely home to be :-)

  4. A truly beautiful picture you paint.

  5. What a wonderful little sanctuary. My yard is overgrown in unkempt grass and the threat of zucchini.

  6. So lovely. I love the photo so much, and the description of happy summer days....the dog's licks being kisses is so true...........
