Sunday, 30 July 2017

Surprise reunion

What sweet surprise to see someone like you again
But best it reminds me of all the laughs we had
How you girls in the class teased us boys those years past
As we laughed with joy and cried too when we were sad

Only thinking that they were the best days of our lives
Uniforms so alike and how we did our hair
Strict rules where we sat and if we could ride our bikes
Now in this deceitful world theres no-one to care

Over coffee we chatted on for quite some time
Until we both heard the town's old church bell chime
And so then we parted for the very last time
But still I failed to tell her she was still sublime

Image found at


  1. Sometimes it's hard to say what we want to - you convey that perfectly

  2. Ha... I wrote about school days as well.Great minds etc :)

  3. Oh, the words unspoken---how we regret them years later!

  4. I thought I relished my school days until I recently joined a facebook group for my old fellow pupils. Then I realised they weren't the happy days I thought they were. I left the group a few days ago.

  5. Awesome blog, i always enjoy & read the post you are sharing!
    Thank for your very good article...!

