Saturday, 8 July 2017

By the fireside

The rhythmic beat of the storm
Sheets of rain lashed against the window
Autumn's chill dug itself in

Shimmering glow in the hearth
As smoke plumes rose from the fireplace
Off to meet the starless night

As I relaxed in the chair
My head was nodding searching for rest
It was but a foolish dream

The dog now yapped in his sleep
Like some prophet venting his wild dreams
Of camels and caravans

Still searching for Morpheus
A shot rang out which was but an ember
Cracking now on the hearthside

Dozy dog now yelped in fright
I bent down to pick up the pieces
While rain drummed on the roof top

There is nothing quite like it
That satisfying comfort of home
Safe and warm by the fireside

Image found at


  1. So true about the feeling of being safe and warm by the fireside. Nothing like it - even more so when there is a storm raging outside.

  2. This feels so far away... but I would really love that part of winter...

  3. Sounds snug and warm.. lovely.

  4. There is no place like home - Toto would agree ;)

  5. Home sweet a stormy winter night that is the best place :)

  6. I agree, the comfort of our homes, its warmth is something we can not find elsewhere :)

  7. the last three lines are so right. yes, home is where the heart is. thanks for sharing.

  8. Such a peaceful relaxing poem as I eased into my chair and felt it wash over me....lovely Robin especially true those last lines....

    'There is nothing quite like it
    That satisfying comfort of home
    Safe and warm by the fireside'

  9. "rain drummed on the roof top"

  10. There is nothing quite like it, indeed...

  11. Exactly as I experience the satisfying comfort of my home. So beautifully written!

  12. The picture you paint is so comforting. I like how you depict the dog dreaming. I like it all. Wonderful writing Robbin.

  13. There is nothing quite like it :)

  14. Robin, this is lovely. You lifted me out of summer and into the joys and comfort of winter when one is snug indoors. I love the photo and stanzas about the dog especially, of course, especially him "like some prophet venting his wild dreams of prophets and caravans." Wow, wish i had written that.

  15. What a wonderful scene you have painted with your words ... and you have imbued it with an ambiance and mood that is ~ sigh ~ lovely.

  16. Ann, the comfort of a precious moment.

  17. There is nothing quite like it
    That satisfying comfort of home
    Safe and warm by the fireside

    Such a wonderful and peaceful picture painted here Robin! It is such a privilege!


  18. You poem evokes a coziness warmth and comfort.
