Saturday, 5 November 2016

How did I lose her?

After all those years
I'm at graveyard lock again
Memories flood back

Where me and Katie
Used to come as teenagers
Away from the rest

The blue sky above
Sun burning our red faces
Racing down the street

Eyes on each other
Eager for one kiss or more
Now all by ourselves

She grabbing my hand
We could conceal ourselves there
On the canal's bank

It was so quiet
Those blessed days of summer
When we were so young

How did I lose her?
We had pledged our faithfulness
On that old tree stump

One starry evening
We both voted to stay true
But love did not stick

All I remember
That the sky was red that night
A shepherd's warning

After all those years
I'm at graveyard lock again
Memories flood back

Image found at


  1. Nicely written, Oldegg... sweet memories.

  2. What a beautifully composed poem - a moment in time distilled - locked in but also a loss

  3. Cherished memories, then always remain in our heart. Great poem, loved reading it.

  4. The water rushed in, then gushed out again. Never mind at least it gained you an extra notch on the tree stump!

    Visit Keith's Ramblings

  5. a good lift to your old memory.

  6. Old Egg, you have the most beautiful way with words.

  7. So much fun to be reminded of those good times, even if they don't last.


  8. This is beautiful and poignant--this slice of a memory that keeps returning--it has a haunting quality to it

  9. This is beautiful and poignant--this slice of a memory that keeps returning--it has a haunting quality to it

  10. Poignant and sad. Yet beautiful account of love.
