Sunday, 18 January 2015

Hopeless Romance

I saw her again
After a bit of a break
She lowered her eyes

She knows I like her
But always keeps me at bay
She’s married of course

I’ve flirted with her
Many years without number
It’s a game we play

I kissed her the once
A crowded street, broad daylight
She just whispered “No”

She enjoys the care
But gives no encouragement
Faithful to the end

What hopeless romance 
I hope I am in her dreams 
For she is in mine                                                                                        

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  1. nothing quite like pining for someone who you know yo cannot have

  2. And that last verse is the fantasy of it. I think attraction rules all of our relationships, from teh safest to the most dangerous.

  3. We all dream...maybe we have to..literally and when we're zzz'ing...

  4. It keeps the the fire of love alive and that is most desired. It may even relate to hopeful ventures in other aspects. Wonderful write oldegg!


  5. oy... it's always difficult if one wants just friendship and the other a little bit more...

  6. Dreams are the essence of man, it is the glory of the divine in us, dream hold a world of hope and maybe expectation. We can but hope.

  7. ah being hopeless romantic. hey it's free and as long as it inspires you - go for it even in dreams.

    by the way, i saw on your list that you watched Lunch Box. it was one of my favorite films seen last year too :-)

  8. It is nice to have a dream life & hope that the other has one too!

  9. i am glad she knows the boundaries...i wonder if she has ever shared with her husband though....if not, then perhaps you are her little secret....

  10. It is an interesting relationship you have portrayed, oldegg. It seems the people involved know its limits. For how long?

  11. ... too bad for the one who longs for that type of love and has no one

  12. You are a hopeless & hopeful romantic, smiles ~

  13. To be there and knowing what you want and never can't.. so romantic, but still you have the dreams.. sweet.

  14. beautifully done and there always one that got away. But sometimes that is a good thing, especially if they have a husband who could give your head back on a plate ;)

  15. Hi Robin - a well rendered piece - with real truth - we've all been there... Hey! Ho! With Best Wishes Scott

  16. A hopeless romance is, at least, romance! I'm glad she is faithful. That gladdens my heart. I enjoyed the wistful read, Robin. Thank you. I love from afar too, it is much safer!

  17. I'm not so sure of the judgement and why the author insists on engaging in a known rejection :-( Unless of course, failure is a reassurance of their feeling of self worth.
    As far as this piece goes it was well expressed.

    1. We do not go to an art gallery because we want the paintings we like at be on our walls at home, or admire a mountain view but want to see it from our window. To show that we appreciate beauty, personality or conversation in a person does not mean we want to steal it but merely show our admiration and to let that person know how we feel about them.

  18. How romantic, forbidden love.

  19. Oh the dangerous romance....wonderful brings back some memories but that's all I'll say!

  20. She likes the attention, but there's no chance of fulfillment. Interesting chemistry, I wonder what keeps the poet hanging on to longing.

  21. "Me and Mrs. Jones" comes to mind. Well written.

  22. There's something quite delicious about unrequited love. I think it's that we don't ever have to see our fantasies fade away in the face of reality.

  23. Falling in love with married people is a begging for heart ache. It is setting yourself up for disaster.

  24. You might have torn her heart with such feeling.

  25. Hopelessly romantic it was is...
    And fanatically lovelorn he is!
