Saturday, 12 December 2015

Love is blind thank goodness

Love is blind thank goodness
The drumbeats of our hearts
Gladly beat in unison
Our fingers were entwined
Insisting that love's grip
Held fast until the thread
Of a mass of voices
Sang in both our minds

We had both been conquered
Trapped in a web of love
All power to Cupid's bow
People gone from our sight
We spin so happily
In our special orbit
Thinking of each other
And of nobody else

Image found at


  1. Love is so beautiful - yet a dance that shuts the world outside.

  2. Love is blind... Thank goodness indeed!!! :)

  3. Not wishing to be the voice of doom but i wonder if love blindness is always good...and maybe i sense a hint of that in your parting lines? or am just is wonderful to be absorbed and enraptured in the love of another but at some point you have to look up and look at them...perhaps rose tinted glasses are a happy medium...or i am just cold and heartless!

  4. oh yes that kind of exclusiveness can be awesome

    have a good Sunday

    much love...

  5. Indeed, there is nothing that compares to the power of love :D

  6. Love's grip is magical and makes all forget the world..lovely.

  7. Another beautiful love poem and I adore the last stanza especially Robin! Yes lost in our own orbit....

  8. Your title made me laugh so very hard. Because it's true, because it can be both a good and a bad thing--the blindness of love...

  9. LOL, how apt your words are at this particular moment, Robin. I am thinking of two people with serious disabilities, who have great challenges just living in this world, and who have found each other. All the naysayers are quick to joke about how "this wont last long".........but some of us see the sweetness in the support and comfort - and understanding - they bring each other, and hold our peace.

  10. Love is often can be wonderful in that special orbit.

  11. Lovely poem that reminded me of all the joys of love.

  12. Yes, love can be blind and, at times, we can be grateful for that. But, if it blinds us to all the other love that surrounds us, is that a good thing?


  13. Your are pretty good with these love poems.

    Thanks for visiting. I agree, all should have a voice.

  14. Very beautiful... I love that love is still around even when it's gone.

  15. Haha, yes I do think it can be a very good thing indeed that love is sometimes blind! How else would we ever stand one another for as long as we manage to? ;-)

  16. Seems sweet, almost like Christmas candy?

  17. This was a treat to read ... and so true: Love IS blind. Sigh. One of life's small mercies.

  18. I really happy to hear this love story...felt so liberated....

  19. Nice to have a happy poem in these fearful times.
