Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Dreaming of the past

Afternoon nap time
He slept in his chair at last
Dreaming of the past

What a life he'd had
What great sights his eyes had seen
Fit of mind and limb

A sportsman was he
Had run a mile easily
Would join any team

Soccer and cricket
Tennis, darts and chasing girls
Were his favorites

Quick at his day job
Liked by boss and clients too
Found career abroard

Travelled all over
Climbed mountains and swam the seas
With beautiful wife

But time now to rest
And put his aching feet up
And sip contentment

Afternoon nap time
He slept in his chair at last
Dreaming of the past

Image found at


  1. I think this poem describes many as they age. They have lived a good and active life, and now they consider that their life is in the past. If only he could get some energy back and make use of the time he has left.

  2. Wow! How full of love and vitality this poem is, while it honoring a man (you?) asleep in his chair! Perfect! I imagine him smiling.

    I want to thank you for loving the music on my poem. I've been trying to invoke those days when I had vitality as a trombone player in high school.

  3. Lovely - beautiful memories AND a nap - it does not get any better. LOL.

  4. Beautiful. We should all take more time to sip contentment!

  5. How wonderful he has those memories of which to dream. I wish he had someone to tell these adventures to who would appreciate them. I hope he does. I think his chair is related to mine. I swear, everytime I sit in it, it sprays me with ether and moondust...

  6. "And sip contentment" much needed luxury after a well lived dreamy life...

  7. Great to have such a past to dream of, and a comfortable place in which to do so.

  8. What a testimonial to a life well-spent Robin.

  9. the contrast of his stillness with his youthful life is very moving - very well written in the way there is regret and joy entwined in the vigour that was

  10. Sometimes nothing beats an afternoon nap - particularly when you have a lot of adventures to call upon in your dreams

  11. Summer afternoon naps are magic.

  12. There is something magical and rejuvenating about naps. Back home (in the Dominican Republic) siestas are the norm. But here they feel like a bright gift every time. :)

  13. Beautifully written. Such simple pleasures, napping in his chair in the middle of the day reminiscing...

  14. Lovely poem, Robin. It has a restful tone, like a lullaby, but the energy is there in every line - and I bet the dreams are full of vitality too!
