Sunday 14 October 2018

Forget yesterday

What sort of weapon is revenge?
Quite useless when a love is lost
It doesn't alter their act of choice
It only speaks with a cruel voice

How love sings but hate snarls with rage
That charges head first into a fight
Chooses not between sense and hate
Like wild beasts fighting for a mate

Sing only a sad song of love lost
That will ease the mood you now feel
Hit on that girl in the cafe
See, she smiles; forget yesterday

Image found at


  1. Sometimes it is best to forget yesterday, it is not to be altered, or changed, one might say, yesterday is written in stone...done, finished, over, etc.etc.

  2. You got your Linky link a bit confused this week — it takes one to the illustration.

    I do like the turnaround to bring in the café!
