Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Her enigmatic smile

With her enigmatic smile
Lucy was was much sought after
Boys would grovel at her feet
Only to be spurred of course
She was a stunner to be sure
But I thought I'd stay aloof
I could see she wanted more
Eager swains are faulty beaus
And so it was she who fell
For this quiet gentle youth
Who waited for that special sign
Of surrender and she was mine

Image found at


  1. I've known some guys who tried this only to discover they had faded into the background.

  2. yes sometimes the quiet ones get the girl

  3. Obviously she had a good eye to pick out the best. Congrats old egg, another beautiful specimen!


  4. Eager swains are faulty beaus - perhaps there is some truth in that..although i hope not as it hints at something a little sinister which i know is not 'you'/your writing :)

  5. Nat King Cole started singing in my head when I saw this - so like the lady with the mystic smile! Lovely.

    100 whimsical words for Friday Fictioneers

  6. emotions run high when your character sets into our kingdom of empirjust kidding,
    lovely story.
