Saturday, 10 October 2015

The sun next day

The thrum of traffic on the street
A milk carton still in his hand
The chill of evening at his feet            

Illuminated letters bright                           
On neon signs above his head
Negates the urge to sleep this night

The night link bus roars in the mist
Whose grey riders trip homeward bound
Just minutes from a welcome kiss

He risked his all to make his way
Courage fails to make homeward trip
What matters is the sun next day

Image found at


  1. a lovely poem, quite poignant :)

  2. How different life can be...and how easily we may fall from the kiss of a loved one to the kiss of the sun..hoping it will be there in the morning..that we will still be..

  3. You paint a clear and vivid image of something we, in this day and age, may all fear."There but for grace..."


  4. You've mixed the pathos and the hope all through here very nicely. I like it.

  5. Courage fails to make homeward trip
    What matters is the sun next day

    The urge for survival is more than the necessity of a homeward journey which is just 'a nice to have' to him!

