Saturday, 24 August 2019

Your face lights up

You always make me welcome
On arrival at your home
Your face lights up, and seize me
Lovingly you pull me in

You gather up odds and ends
Hiding other girly stuff
"Like a drink?" I hear you say
I hug her close with a grin

"Can't stay long" I tell her now
"Currently I'm on a job"
She looks sad pouted her lips
So I kissed her nose and chin

Got me a glass of water
"I could come tonight, okay?"
She screwed up her pretty nose
Face eases "I may be in"

Who knows what goes with us two?
What fate has for us in store
Know we are a perfect match
But enjoy pursuit we both will win!

Image found at


  1. Sounds like fun - a real romantic chase

  2. As long as the two agree that this is the way to conduct themselves, then they should enjoy the pursuit!
