Saturday 3 August 2019

A library of memories

It is barely six o'clock in the morning 
Dawn has broken, bees hum, birds are singing
Flapping their busy wings in the water bowl
I hear our dog outside the back give a howl
My wife nudges me, "Come on, get up, lets go"
Then I remembered, coffee at café,  heigh ho!

"Come on, quick shower then out" she smiles sweetly
Dog grinning at my wife is sat before me
So we walk down the avenue to the sea
Dog wags stupidly he best day of the week
For there's a water bowl at the café we reach
And he'll get a nice long run on the beach

Find a table with sunshade outside the café
The dog dancing round like he does by the sea
Glad we walked as parking spaces are really full
Bathers surf boards already tempting the waves
Old silver haired couple walking close hand in hand
"Drink your coffee" says wife "Let's walk on the sand"

So I down my coffee and grab the dog's lead
As we walk down the ramp, dog wanting to speed
Look's back at us willing me to let him go
His message is clear, shake my head to say "No"
Wade in the water say "Stay" as I set him free
He swims and grins happy as can be at me

Image found at


  1. I love the enthusiasm of this piece - the final grin says it all..made me grin too!

  2. The dog! He's the chief character of this charming piece. I wish I could be as happy as he, and as undemanding.

    My Whirligig Is Here
