Wednesday, 8 July 2015

Okay on the whole

I was so annoyed
Temporary replacement
Fixed with this date

So I sighed out loud
We would now have a foursome
On this Friday night

We were introduced
Dark, wary and aloof
Tiniest of smiles

She drank G and T
Conversation was a bit hard
She had pretty hands

We talked about work
Said she could play the guitar
I became less tense

I touched her fingers
When I told her what I did
She started to smile

Shall we do something 
Just by ourselves? I said
As we were dancing

She nodded grinning
And was so pleased that I asked
This girl's a keeper

I saw Jim later
Of course he asked how it went
"Okay on the whole"

Image of Mark Spain painting found at


  1. Blind date? Never admit it was a good idea.

  2. Sometimes our friends have a sixth sense who we'll like.

  3. I wonder what he does...and if it was better than okay on the whole or empty..a mysterious and curious poem - which of course we love!

    1. I think he didn't want to enthuse too much or else that may have been a disappointment if it came to nothing as he was on the rebound.

  4. okay on the whole what a bland response but typical of someone try hard to keep expectations down.

  5. Great expectations have a way of making it happen the way one desired! This worked beautifully oldegg, reminiscent of the good old days of fun and games!

