Wednesday, 29 July 2015

A waste of time

Your eyes reflected sadness
As you packed your bags
Packing and unpacking
Travelling used to fun
Exploring was not boring
But now I am snoring
Or perhaps I've died
I wanted to hold you close
You shook your head
Journeys are tedious now
Feeling tired sitting down
When we do arrive
All we want to do
Is come back home
A waste of time
A waste of energy
A waste of you
A waste of me
As I loved you

Image found at


  1. This was like the sensation of coming to a platform on a rickety, tired old train - a stop but not home...home is perhaps home because of the people many wastes but not a single wasted word

  2. there are so many issues to influence the adventure, health age companionship, but at the end of the day the desire to roost will win out

    have a nice Wednesday

    much love...

  3. this is so sad in some ways but in some ways not.Change is inevitable what you once loved you may not now.

  4. I hope I never end up feeling that way as I pack my bags right now.

  5. Life itself is the journey. May we never grow bored with it!

  6. travelling is fun but not alone I think

