Thursday 2 April 2020

Taking it to the streets

Once taking complaints to the streets 
Was the only way to be heard
Now we have Facebook to help us out
Gone the days of milk crate or step ladder
For these days are so much better

In the little town where I once lived
Local bands would march up and down the street
I was a drummer in a boys band
Leader noticed another band come our way
Quickly changed our route and we still played

Should either band have no escape
Up side road or lane would be our route
And if our playing upset the locals
A single drumbeat would  be the sound
Until we found much more open ground

Mind you we did practice quite a lot
For your sleep in we cared not one jot

Image found at


  1. What great memories! You bring it all to life so well.

  2. Ha, with the virus, we cant protest in the streets any more. This could become a problem, lol.

  3. This is incredibly poignant, Robin!

  4. We must hold on to such memories, especially in times like these.
