Sunday 5 April 2020

Silence can be a beautiful thing

When we were first married
My wife often found it hard to sleep
What with having a man in the house
And us both working all week

The following night I asked
"Have you ever been phewied?" said I
She shook her head "What is that?"
"When I I draw pictures on you"

So I showed her what I meant
In the darkness I drew some rabbits
She guessed them hopping and their long ears
Then drew the bike that she rode

So she said "Please do some more"
Gently rubbing earlier drawings out
Then I drew the seas waves on the beach
Then I guessed she was asleep

The next night she wanted more
Strangely not one word did either say
My gentle caress was all she'd want
No words, for her care's all gone

Image found at


  1. Oh how wonderful and romantic
    We did that as kids drawing words on someones back and then you had to guess what it said
    Never heard of phewied

    1. That was a Kimber word when I was little, when a parent would gently stroke a young child getting them off to sleep!

  2. Oh, I'm envious. What delightful memories.

  3. Sigh, this is incredibly moving!💘

  4. Robin, this is going on my list of favorites by you. I love what it says about the magic of touch and play, about how intimacy keeps us growing and getting closer. This is lovely.

  5. Robin, I'd like that, in the guessing or in the writing. I didnt know that meaning for phew, phewy, or phewied, either so I googled and your blog showed up third place.

  6. This is a wonderful idea--must try it! Thanks, Old Egg.

  7. Lovely and romantic and very uniquely - something shared - between the two of you.

  8. First tume im hearing about this. Well since she wanted more. It had to be 'that'good
    Thanks for dropping bh my sumie Sunday today


  9. I did that to my sons to help them sleep. Mostly dogs and stories. I love the line 'what with having a man in the house.'

  10. what a delightful and romantic poem!
    your drawing of the sea waves (and i guess most of the other drawings too) must have a calming effect on her. :)

  11. Oh, she needed those poems you wrote across her skin

  12. What a wonderful and romantic connection you made as a service to your love.

  13. Phewied! Now there's a new word!

  14. I too, learned a new word today; phewied. :) But how beautiful are the memories and romantic is your piece!
