Wednesday 22 April 2020

Days of isolation

Even in these days of isolation
There is still so much to find in life
For writing is my own occupation
For I am like a kid with a knife

Okay I've been writing many years
Telling tales from imagination
Or writing my history with some tears
Funny at school 'twas not my ambition

But when you start, then the words pour forth
Your memory then digs you in the ribs
For then the world's your oyster henceforth
Whether you tell it true or lots of fibs

How keen you are to read authors work
As writers learn much from each other
As inspiration for you brains murk
Then poems flow without any bother

Image found at


  1. I particularly like the line about memory digging you in the ribs.

  2. "For then the world's your oyster henceforth"
    I can read and apply many more images and meanings frim this highly fertike line Robin

    Thanks for dropping by to read mine


  3. Creative minds usually find a way to express themselves :)

  4. I think we writers have many resources with which to spend our time in isolation. I am so grateful for both my writing, and the connection with other writers via the internet. The days go by so fast.

  5. Yes isolation is a luxury for creative folk

  6. 'For I am like a kid with a knife'
    Ribs and fibs. You're really on song in this one!

    And your last stanza is why i even read other people's works :D :P

  7. Those of us who write and have access to the work of others are at such an advantage to those who are absolutely alone and cannot access the cyber-world. I count my blessings daily.

  8. Everything feels a bit (or a lot) better when we have ink, and tales to birth!

  9. The joys of a creative mind! I count my blessings, too. Thanks for this wonderful reminder, Robin.

  10. We do learn a lot from each other yes!💝

  11. Yes, in so many ways, under so many circumstances, we writers are the lucky ones just for having that gift/habit/outlet ... whatever.
