Friday 24 April 2020

It is Spring again

Ah yes! It is springtime again
Bees are humming, they are coming
They always brighten up our day
Dancing now in the blossom high
Everything is going to be Okay.

Sun's face is good to see again
Leaves are sprouting, grass is growing
Good heavens, it is almost May
Clouds are skipping over the sky
Birds are singing a sweet hurray

Farmers in the fields a'working
Tractors busy now that it's Spring
Smiles as rain is due on Friday
Plowing, planting first light to night
Worn out working every day

All crops planted now time to stop
Hope this year a good crop will bring
Now need to get garbage away
As I check the clouds way up high
The breeze stirs, wish for rain Okay?

Image found at


  1. What a wonderful story of seasons - i hope the rains come to help the bees and the crops

  2. I'll be pulling for the bees, Robin, they are headed towards worldwide extinction. I liked your poem, I like the picture. Those are very straight. I grew up on a farm, Dad hardly ever let me plant because my rows weren't up to his standard and so he replanted my rows and complained of wasted seed. His rows and fences must be straight.

  3. I enjoyed this. It lightened my heart. Great you pulled me from autumn straight into spring.

  4. Love the lightheartedness of this poem, Robin 💝

  5. Such a cheery poem, Robin, it has given me a much needed boost this morning. I like the internal rhyme in ‘Bees are humming, they are coming’ and, combined with alliteration, in ‘Plowing, planting first light to night’.

  6. 'Cheery' is the word I thought of too, for the feeling this poem engenders. And I'm always glad to know the bees are still alive and well in some places.

  7. Lovely lilt to this poem, this paean to spring, Old Egg!

  8. Lovely happy bouncy words Robin - thank you!
    Anna :o]

  9. This was a song! Very cheerful.

  10. So nice to read a happy poem. Spring implies hope, rebirth. It's what we need now.

  11. Your words took me back to the farm. Springtime was always exciting when the baby animals began to make an appearance. There is such an overriding sense of "God's in his heaven, all's right with the world" feeling on a farm. Sometimes I long for it.

  12. A lovely ode-to-spring and that feeling of returning back to the earth. A wonderful 'upper' in these days of shelter-in-place.

  13. "Good heavens, it is almost May"

    That right!!!

    Happy Sunday Robin


  14. what a cheerful song to lift the gloom off the coronavirus!

  15. There is something magical about spring, indeed. It's almost impossible to deny its brightness, even in the darkest of times.

    Thank you for this one, Robin.

  16. I like the cheeriness in this, and the rhythm and rhymes.

  17. This is a reminder of the spring work that's ahead for us now that planting is delayed for awhile longer. An uplifting ode to spring and the hope that we have in the earth.
