Sunday, 24 February 2019

No clouds in sight

It's a bright sunny day with no clouds in sight
I drive down the beach to check the tide
I wear my swim trunks but still can't decide
Are the waves smooth or will they put up a fight?

Relax as I drive to the free car park
Just a few here and the sea is quite calm
Bathers on, just take towel and creamy balm
It looks like the sand worms are having a lark

Wormholes show how the worms have been quite busy
Place bits and pieces on patch of dry sand
Have a paddle before I work out plan
Yikes! The water's freezing it makes me quite dizzy

Perhaps I'll go straight back home, (So I think)
I chide myself wading into the shallows
Until I'm passed by some other fellows
Maybe it's not that cold, wade in and slowly sink

So this initial trial then wakes me right up
And soon I am riding the waves with style
Swimming around having fun for a while
Got back home just before lunch and quite buoyed up!

Image found at


  1. It's a lot of work just getting in! I stay in the shallows.

  2. Oh this is incredibly visceral, Robin! I wish I was a good swimmer.. would go beyond the depths of the ocean!❤️

  3. I am a very poor swimmer. In fact it's charitable to refer to me as a swimmer at all. But I do like looking at the sea.

  4. Luv the seaside. Its intriguing. Now when i go which is rarely i sit on the sandy beach.
    Have a good week Robin. You should drop by my Monday WRites feature at mh blog VERSES
    Thanks gor dropping by my sumi Sunday feature at mh blog Lunch Break


  5. Love the reluctance, then the embrace of your adventure. Fine work, Robin!

  6. Such a fun way of going about any activity. I like how you capture the entire journey through playful rhymes.

  7. I'm not much of a bather... I can clearly see myself in that reluctance.

  8. Galveston, Texas, is about 60 miles south of us on the Texas Gulf of Mexico. This morning's water temp is 15.6°C / 60°F. Our pool temp was 65 yesterday but that is cold for swimming. We can heat it, generally don't, just the Spa.
    The measurements for the water temperature in Galveston,Texas are provided by the daily satellite readings provided by the NOAA. The temperatures given are the sea surface temperature (SST) which is most relevant to recreational users.

  9. Ohh...I wouldn't have gotten in that cold water. Kudos to you for overcoming your reluctance!
