Wednesday 21 November 2018

I close my eyes

I close my eyes, I am getting old
What should I pray for, why be so bold?
I have children and they have theirs
I wonder if they say their prayers?

I'm thankful for my ripe old age
I read, I write, so turn the page
I laugh a lot for life's so much fun
I've never been faced with a gun

Most people I've met I have loved
(But not as a kid when pushed and shoved)
I also noticed others eyes
Easy then to tell truth from lies

I want for nothing, that is the truth
Wish luck to Martin, Robyn and Ruth
And my grandkids for they are the best
As they live their lives both east and west

I'd love to meet my wife again
To be together without all her pain
I like to think she went ahead of me
To speak for me like an attorney

I would like to meet my dogs as well
They were much fun despite the smell
Many old friends too I'd like to meet
Through them all life has been so sweet

Image found at


  1. Grateful for all the good things.. is indeed a prayer in itself.

  2. Wow, Robin, I love this! It's full of love and surprises:
    "I'm thankful for my ripe old age
    I read, I write, so turn the page
    I laugh a lot for life's so much fun
    I've never been faced with a gun"
    And I love the sweet and bad held together in the final stanza!

  3. Beautiful and grateful poem.

  4. Ah yes i luv your poem/prayer of gratitude

  5. A wonderful life, well-lived, my friend. Such beautiful memories.

  6. And my grandkids for they are the best
    As they live their lives both east and west
    I'd love to meet my wife again
    To be together without all her pain

    Love these Robin! In the same breath one prays for the loved ones closest to one's heart. Cannot be anyone else to return the love reserved for them!


  7. Such a beautiful gratitude poem!

  8. So much we hope for when praying, and so much remains unknown...

  9. You have been blessed with so much good fortune through out your life.Pray for and give to those who have less.

    1. I have been very much involved in helping the less fortunate through donating and assisting the less well off in my church's parish for many years Rall.

  10. Wonderful indeed!
    If only we could all be grateful than greedy all the time..
    Gratitude is the truest prayer!

  11. This is wonderful. Love the prayer and heartfelt wishes. Your attorney is very likely pleading your case daily. Well crafted :)
