Saturday, 15 November 2014

This gypsy girl of mine

I noticed her in the market place                                      
Sat at the curb, stick in hand                                           
She saw me stare her in the face                                    
Was she from a foreign land?                                          
This gypsy girl of mine                                                       

Green eyes, dark hair, an impish grin                                
Scarce a word she spoke to this boy                               
We lived apart for it was a sin                                           
To talk and play with diddicoy                  
This gypsy girl of mine                                                       

Foolish as I have always been                                         
I went over and sat by her side                                         
To watch the cattle weighed and penned                    
To be sold at auction by and by                                       
This gypsy girl of mine                                                       

When bored with this she took my hand                                    
To the nearby park walked unseen                             
Sat on the swings and how she laughed                      
As I looked into her eyes of green          
This gypsy girl of mine                                                       

Then when she glanced up at the sun                          
I knew my time with her was done                      
I touched her fingers, oh so brown                                               
She put them on my cheek, then was gone                   
This gypsy girl of mine                                                       

I'm such a foolish old man now                                        
But still I think of days gone by
A yearning remains, it will not go
For that sweet childish love I pine
That gypsy girl of mine      

Image from                                  

Diddicoy - from the Romani - didikai for gypsy    


  1. A reminder how we still build barriers to the Romani.. They are coming here to Sweden begging.. But memories like this are important.

  2. Just searched web and got to know that Romanis have an Indian origin..............

  3. sweet childish love... that one is pure and innocent. beautiful.

  4. that was a song for your gypsy girl..
    i am enjoying your love poem collections :-)

  5. Amazing, what a brilliant capture of life. age and love. Really sings of the power of love. Great words.

  6. Nicely captured. Even if she wasn't.

  7. This is indeed a song wonderfully crafted..the refrain tugs at the heart strings .....

  8. beautifully written with heartfelt emotion

  9. Thoughts of love are never foolish! And may we all have such 'foolish' thoughts in our old age!

  10. I enjoyed the form and the repetitions. I think you conveyed a lot in this poem - love but also the isolation and predjudice the gypsies still face today.

  11. I can picture her impish smile, and feel the poignancy of the remembering.

  12. Nice song, and I love so innocent heart of that guy, who stares and dares to talk and express his love to the gypsy girl :)x

  13. I luv this sweet remembering, thanks for sharing with us

    Happy you dropped in at my blog

    Much love...

  14. A love so innocent and so captivating. These are the likes that get lovingly stuck to memory and remain forever young. Great lines oldegg!


  15. Fine memories of youth and younger days.
    A fine story old egg

  16. What a lovely poem. It's good that we remember childhood romances, they spark something within us.

  17. Wonderful story written as a memory poem.

  18. I love it when I read poems about past loves. Loves that we let go or that we missed in life. :D
