Monday, 24 November 2014

My girl Jill

They shook their heads as oft they did                  
My parents knew of my desire                                
To travel far from my place of birth             
To live my life for all I was worth                              

We were country folk of southern hills                     
Where hard farming was our sole graft      
But all my mates did laugh and scoff                     
As I was one who sought a life far off                        

Despite this as soon as I was able
I said good bye to my parents sad
And stole a kiss from my girl Jill
This need for adventure for to fill

So off I went one fine morning
Left my home of many a year
I trekked over the hills to the sea    
Where my life could be lived so free          

I was but a stranger on that shore
And found life hard to fill my needs
I toiled on a job to pay my way 
But so empty was my night and day

I drank too much, that’s for sure
My workmates speech was hard to read
And they laughed at my country ways
Taunting me ‘til I was ablaze

Waking in the gutter one morn
Of this life I knew I’d see enough
Adventure now had lost its thrill 
I must go back to my girlfriend Jill

So I packed my bags and off I went
To make that uphill journey back
My heart now knew my love was home
No more from my cute Jill would roam

Image from


  1. i like the simplicity of this poem

  2. A really pleasant reading poem, it fits many of us. So, O.E, is true for you? It does for me except that I don't want to go back (visits are okay, but not to stay). I tell people that I left two snow shovels up north, one in Nebraska and one in New Hampshire. And I don't want them back
    Oh yes, my "Jill" came along with me.

  3. This is one of the best! Love this poem, and it's so true that sometimes the intrigue of going away from family and those dear to us is not the best decision.

  4. Sometimes we venture out on our own, forgetting the good we have still at home. Nice reminder of this in a simple poem. Thanks.

  5. Isn't it funny that in our youth we can't wait to get out and explore the big world, and once we're out there we miss the comforts and belonging of home? I never went home again, for many reasons, but it will always be "home" in my heart. I'm guessing that Jil was mighty glad to see him return, and he was happier for having had his chance to try his wings.

  6. So Jill is all he wants now & needs too :)
    Great poem!

  7. At least got to see a bit of the world and make the choice to return. Sometimes people rue what they have missed and always wonder, what if. This character actually knows and now he can travel with Jill.

  8. Your story brings to mind images of young men in black & white photos.

  9. thanks for that adventure. it made you realize that Jill is the adventure you want to be with. Enjoyed this Robin

  10. Comparative experiences are important to appreciate what you have.

  11. Sometimes it takes a while to find the right path. It sounds as if you are GRATEFUL that you did make that journey back!

  12. This is a journey many young people make, thinking they need to go Away to live life - when it was waiting right there at home. In your case, though, your move was a happy one and life was good to you. I enjoyed the rhythm of this poem.

  13. Aw, absence makes the heart go fonder and all that sweet stuff!!

  14. love the narrative here & the simple rhythm speaking about the sweetness that our life is made of...

  15. Nice Ballad form for the story of this prodigal and his Jill. I'm glad that the story has a happier ending that that of Jack and Jill. Grateful.

  16. The strength and pull of feelings for a loved are all too familiar. The roaming heart is tamed most eloquently. Great write oldegg!


  17. Yeah, sometimes to have to run away to know what you've got, huh?
