Tuesday 10 September 2019

She kissed me

It's to my shame I tell you this
I was twelve before my first kiss
I'd kissed my Ma and Pa but not
The audacious leap to kissing girls
Was not possible despite the lure
Of their flicking hair and eyes allure

At age of ten I took a leap
At girls in class I took a peep
One shy blonde girl smiled back at once
Knew her name from the class rollcall
So I walked her home at half passed three
At her door, what surprise...she kissed me!

But young love sadly tends to flee
Next Monday she glanced not at me
Learned love affairs were risqué games
Especially when laughed at by friends
But teenage years made me much more bold
Found girl of my own and boy she was gold!

Words used: Audacious, Risque, Shame

Image found at https://wwwfreepik.es/foto-gratis/nina-mirando-su-companero-clase_866040.htm


  1. A lovely walk down memory lane. You had to get your start somewhere!

  2. How utterly delightful ~~ thank you!

  3. Oh the journey of love can be treacherous...Happy you arrived at a safe harbor. Love the poem!

  4. I do remember how you couldn't even be close to the girls without being ridiculed

    Boys talked about the "girl bacillus"
