Saturday 20 June 2015

What was her name?

I am thinking back
Just what was her name?
She was an exciting
Untamed animal
But so dangerous

Natalie it was
Pint sized, huge trouble
I left her alone
But she pestered me
She so wanted to win

Oh what a blonde
A real cutie
A mind of her own
Thank my lucky stars 
I was not tempted

Saw her in the Mall
Something's missing
Her spark has gone
Must have met her match
How tame she seems now

Image found at


  1. Meeting your match can sometimes take the sparkle away...although it does add a frisson of excitement when it comes to imaginary friends... ;)

  2. Ah, the wonderful energy of youth! Great post today.

  3. I find it sad that her spark is gone.. Dangerous is maybe better than subdued.

  4. tamed...not a good thing...:)
