Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Her new gardener

                                        The Gardener by Pissarro

Her new gardener

So unkempt and disheveled

He had green fingers


He loved his work there

Ghastly scars marking his face

Told of his cruel past


He spoke to the plants

And she spoke to him of love

Her man to cherish




  1. So sweet... my dad has a green thumb, but not me.

  2. I love the idea of fingers stained green by so much time working with the plants. My father is great with plants, but I've found that most growing things do best if I stay far away.

  3. The gardener with green fingers and a golden heart.

  4. Sounds like both gardener and plants need nurturing..

  5. Feeling of Love...we all need it: people and plants.

  6. I used to have a gardener who talked to the plants.It was not because he was particularly nurturing. It was because he was stoned most of the time.
