Saturday 26 January 2019

The boy at school

As a boy at school
Bore sarcastic percussion
From my Latin teacher

'Twas Taffy Jenkins
"What would your Mum think of you?"
Still drums in my brain

As those years rolled on 
His admonishments grew cruel
"You are less than dust"

So he translated
"Beneath my chariot wheels"
So the whole class laughed

Later I left school
And without Latin to help
I am what I am

I had a great job
Then came to Australia
A successful life

Think Mum was quite proud
But I cannot tell him that
As he is long gone

Image found at


  1. I so love anecdotal poetry, Robin, and this one takes me back to my school days too. Nowadays, teachers are not supposed to use sarcasm, although I have heard it in one or two high school classrooms.

  2. This brings back memories of a teacher predicting awful grades fro me. I sure hope that teachers realise that they have a special calling to mould the lives of children. Good for you though.....Mum was proud :)

  3. I think that latin doesn't matter a great deal these days... My father was forced to read latin instead of science...
    But his father said that latin is the foundation of all knowledge... those where the days.

  4. Oh this is so evocative and brings back so many memories, Robin!❤️

  5. I loved Latin and was one of those geeks in the Latin Club. It still helps me figuring out meanings of words after all these years. Some people just aren't Latin people and there is nothing wrong with that. I think your mom would have been very proud of you!

  6. This is a wonderful story. I am watching- My Brilliant Friend on HBO, and in it they are learning Latin. It is set in Italy.

  7. Thanks for o posting this. Robbin. I felt sorry for the lad as I progressed through. But I was pleasantly surprised that he who turned out to be the author outdid by far the teacher's forecast. Nicely written.

  8. Wow, Robin. This takes me back to a similar situation, one of those things that do not need remembering, but you cannot forget.

    1. Thank you you everyone for your comments and Yes; this really happenned over 70 years ago!
