Wednesday, 17 March 2021

A kiss in the park

I shouldn't really tell you this

But relationships are best if you kiss

I walked home from school each day 

With this sweet girl whose name was Kay

I bet you think I kissed her lips then

Oh by the way my name is Ken

I found that I could always steal a kiss

When I decided on an artifice

Took her to the town's park at first

To satisfy our romantic thirst

Okay, we were tardy getting home

Just told her Ma round shops we did roam

We did stay friends for a few years

But chose new partners without tears

Illustration found at www,


  1. Ah yes, always lovely to begin with a kiss. I'm glad to tell you my new companion is accepting hugs and kisses.

  2. I liked the bit, "satisfy our romantic thirst." What age are your characters here? I think romantics comes in degrees, I like the old "We got married in a fever song" so I suppose their being hotter than a pepper sprout would be pretty thirsty.

  3. I like the way you hooked me with the opening lines, Robin, and the way you wrote in couplets, giving your poem a jaunty tone.

  4. I don't think I could manage well in a relationship where kissing didn't happen often.

  5. I enjoyed reading about kisses from ‘Ken’s’ perspective ~ it felt fresh and so sweet. You are right about the Pandemic, we are beginning to see cases rising in the US as many folks are not taking proper precautions.

  6. Ken and Kay kissing down by the Bay😚

    Couldn't resist adding by line

