Tuesday 3 March 2020

Pretty girls are contagious

Pretty girls are contagious
They're a curse to this old man
All my life they've caused mayhem
I have long been plagued by them

Their cheeky grins when a kid
Fluttering eyes all the time
Their warm hands at the first touch
That first kiss was all too much

How troubled were my feelings
As I dreamed of them at night
Let down I felt when over
She's not to be your lover

You put on such a brave face
Such feelings make you stronger
Even teenage love hurts so
You look around...where to go?

Soon you brighten up again
Not long you forget the pain
Then you wink at fair haired girls
You know...the ones with the curls

Now I go for a coffee
I do so every day
The barista smiles at me
That girl fills my heart with glee

Image found at www.https://reductress.com/post/is-your-barista-thedoula-for-you/

Forgive me for taking an alterative approach to the prompt. Hopefully life goes on regardless of the problems that seem to face us almost every day!


  1. I think your protagonist seeks out this particular contagion, and does not really feel cursed by it!

  2. Thank you for your wonderful light-heartedness, Robin, in a time of increasing anxiety.

  3. This is such a delightful read, Robin! One is enchanted by this sort of contagion every now and then!💝

  4. Some contagions are just so pleasing to the eye, aren't they? LOL! Like Rosemary suggested, your speaker seems to really love his affliction. I can almost see him grinning through his "suffering".

  5. LOL, I agree with Rosemary too, The subject isn't looking for a vaccine or cure any time soon. :D

  6. I am always fascinated by the way you stay in your groove for every prompt thrown at us. Luv this.


    1. Are you inferring 'Romance' Gillena and why not? It is easy to write about and generally does no harm although it can be infectious!

  7. If there is an inoculation for this disease, then I will avoid the vaccination! A fun read, Robin - Cheers!

  8. You know, don't you, that when you go into that coffee shop you are voluntarily leading yourself into temptation? :)

  9. You will be dragged away by the politically correct police if you get caught winking at girls. Its a no no now.
