Tuesday, 24 March 2020

Don't put your daughter on the stage

"Don't put your daugter on the stage
Mrs Worthington" so the song goes
She was warned but look what happened
As the girl had certainly ripened

It was not me to be the one
To give her such good advice
She was given an explanation
For the sweet lass had an acting passion

Acting in a play, why not I say?
What harm can come of this venture?
Her parents pleaded and tears she cried
But nevertheless she persisted

Actors, producers found her quite bright
And taught her a lot both day and night
So it was she became a star
Acted in theatres both near and far

T'was sad to see her move far away
I knew her when we were both at school
She always looked over my shoulder
For someone much richer and older

Image found at www.google.com


  1. Your pseudo-sad last line made me giggle! (A nice summation, and a nice rhyme to do it in.)

  2. Your opening lines reminded me of my nan, who used to sing that song to me! back in the day, when acting was not considered to be an appropriate career for young ladies. Over the years, actresses and film stars have been worshipped by the public and celebrity became something to aspire to. This pandemic is a cruel leveller.

  3. With some people, the more you tell them "you can't", the more they'll see it as a dare to see how far they can leave "can't" in the dust.

  4. This is beautifully poignant!💝 I love the use of rhymes here especially; "She was warned but look whathappened/As the girl had certainly ripened."

  5. We parents with all our insight and out-sight , never have the whole picture, indeed an interesting poem

    much love...

  6. The end made me chuckle. I guess the world is made of different wants and tastes. Some of them, have a taste for wealth (and maturity, too, it seems).

  7. A wonderful tale with a punch line that leaves us with a smile. Good write … as always!

  8. I enjoyed this ... my Dad is totally responsible for my love of all things performance based. Flute, singing, theatre ... I lost him when I was sixteen but that influence lingers.

  9. Love this poem and that unexpected last line made me smile.

  10. Good one, Robin, with a punch at the end.
