Sunday, 4 February 2018

Singing this sad song

Late evening slowly darkens
I love our walks in summer
The day's air now cool and clear
Skies darken, the stars come out

Twinkling lights take charge up there
Croaking frogs still like to shout
Your soft warm hands safe in mine
Fireflies flash as we pass them by

Moon peeps from behind a tree
For nightlife and us to see
Now lighting up your beauty
You let me taste your soft lips

But I wake up having dreamed
Singing this sad song of you
Pretending you were still here
As you always used to be

Image found at


  1. The memories of dreams can be so strong. Sometimes I just want to go back to sleep, other memories are such that I'm glad to be awake.

  2. dreams can be so real sometimes...maybe it's a way of keeping things they were.

  3. A beautiful sanctuary of hearts Robin, Such a lovely write
    Happy Sunday

    much love...

  4. This such a wonderfully heartfelt write, Robin. Dreams can seem so real sometimes.. sigh..💞

  5. Oh, this breaks my heart really. How we wish to revisit those beautiful times again, wishing they were still today! Pretending is not quite the same.

  6. I felt that same sadness, when you woke up "singing this sad song of you". Sigh. Your poems always make me remember what it wss like to be part of a couple, those brief times in my life.

  7. Such beautiful memories to cling to can certainly make us sad at times.

  8. Beautiful and heart-squeezing in the feelings of nostalgia it evokes...

  9. This is a sad, but beautiful song. Such a vivid memory of a love.

  10. aching in the longing, the sweetness of the bittersweet in one gone - so tender this testimony

  11. Beautifully nostalgic. Indeed, I think this is one of your most exceptionally lovely pieces.

  12. This memory/poem is worthy of ever renewed life!

  13. sad, but a very lovely poem. one of my favourites from you.
    i do know of such loss..

  14. See what I mean about dreams? That's good one that you described with such detail. On some level, it happened. And you wrote it down!

  15. Realities can be so cruel and they often happen at the wrong time for our liking!


  16. Such a lonely poem.

    Sorry it took me so long to swing by and say hello. I've had some computer glitches.
