Wednesday, 14 February 2018

Love my life

I am an old man now
And haven't long to go
But each day I find a way
To while away my long days
In doing crosswords

I go to a cafe
Which suits me just "parfait"
Order a coffee and cake
Which I hope is freshly baked
Newspaper in hand

I then sit in a seat
To rest my poor old feet
Then check today's crossword
Engrossed I hear not one word
In that fine cafe

You may think I'm quite mad
Or an old fool that's sad
Then a sweet lass comes right up
With a steaming coffee cup
Makes my day for for me

I'm in there every day
Those grls oft come my way
Smile and talk of this and that
Husbands, boyfriends, wedding chat
I listen every day

So the crossword's now done
Quenched my thirst ate my bun
I've words for my next rhyme
Come to me in nick of time
Love my life these days

Image found at


  1. Are you, perhaps, a word thief? It seems that way: you going into the cafe and listening, listening, listening. And all the time, those lasses thought you were simply doing the crossword!

  2. sounds perfect in its own charming way!

  3. Charming! I too do crosswords though in the privacy of my home. I'll bet you enjoy those sweet young lasses coming up to give you attention!

  4. Your days sound most enjoyable. Gratitude for small pleasures makes for happy hearts.

  5. How I love this bathing in words! Much richness in this time-pass!

  6. Lovely pastime. I always suspect there is a lot of listening or even eavesdropping more than the crossing of words in those cafes. I could be wrong. :D

  7. It sounds like you've designed a delightful routine. Glad it inspires such sweet poems!

  8. I could so identify with your café visits. Human contact fuels our thought banks, does it not? You've captured it beautifully!

  9. Good to see you happy in your dotage old egg.Enjoy yourself and eat a sticky bun for me....I overdid it Christmas and the pounds are hard to shift:)

  10. You make a public place sound homey.

  11. Ha! I love doing crosswords too, Robin, especially the cryptics - words are at their most playful, there. However, doing the crossword in your favourite café adds another layer of enjoyment there.
