Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Kindly and smiling

On way home from school
Liked how he gave us candy
Kindly and smiling

Waving each morning
Seeming to be so noirmal
To all of us kids

And just who could tell 
From his outward appearance
He was lighthearted

Then the dramatics
Cops came round to arrest him
What a fuss there was

Kindly and smiling
Liked how he gave us candy
On way home from school

Image found at


  1. Isn't this why they tell you to never accept candy from strangers?

  2. I like how you lead us back from the forest with that candy trail.. If I were to bear (real) children I'd be sure to equip them with the biggest scream and right hook they could muster.

  3. All goes to show there is always something to be wary of when gifts come freely!

