Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Rusty barked

Engulfed with sad tears
A grimace on her sweet face
She knew he had gone

Silly argument
Had been the root cause of this
Now she was alone

How would she manage
Who would look after her now
There was no answer

The rent was now due
Fearful thoughts now came to mind
With nowhere to live

Her dog Rusty barked
He wanted his morning walk
Perhaps he could help

A morning breeze blew
The bracing walk did her good
People smiled at her

I could do this job
Looking at the notice board
In the village shop

Rusty cocked his head
Then he woofed his approval
As she made the call

Image found at


  1. Love the way that Rusty saved the day. And great title to the piece too.

  2. Man's best friend they call them. I love a happy ending!

    By the way, sorry you got diverted to my London pictures! I made a mistake entering my URL thingy!

  3. love the way the dog gave her company and cheered her on.

  4. Hope comes in the most ordinary and yet most magical ways at time..a faithful bark..a little cuddle from a loving's there is we look..i love that your eyes are always open to that Old Egg

  5. a good story on a dog, well done.

  6. She's lucky to have such a good companion to bolster her when she needs it.
