Saturday, 13 February 2016

My Country Town

What am doing in this urban sprawl?
Place of dirt and crowds and threat of crime
Where to park a car will cost a fine
Myriad strangers but friends are few
The key to happiness is just not there
Doom and misfortune as front page news
Disaster always on everyone's lips
Languages spoken that I am not akin
I'm no match, close this book, pack my case
I'm going from this claustrophobic place
I have ranged too far and lost my roots
It's time for me to don my hiking boots
To find that sweet smell of country life
The living growing mountain tops so high
Streams and rivers flowing to wide blue sea
Leafy trees fluttering wave just for me
Chairs on porches, lush fruit on the vine
Thrill me will the stillness of your night
And hit me with your fresh scent of dawn
Wrap me with pleasant scenes far and wide
You have proved your case there's room for me
My country town is waiting for me toright

Image found at


  1. Sometimes the city feels like a prison, trust none and that's why I agree on seeking silence of the countryside... Maybe we need a little bit of both.

  2. A chair on the porch and a view of the hills... can't ask for more! Maybe a cup of cardamom chai!

  3. the poem reminds me of Keats' 'To One Who Has Been Long In City Pent' IS times souls just want that " fresh scent of dawn"...beautiful...

  4. Once you change, there is no going back.

  5. The best kind of love - i hope such places exist because our case is by the door too..a beautiful piece carefully and effortlessly written using all the prompt words and personifying your town to perfection

  6. Four weeks in the city is my limit....too many people too frantic....get yourself a bolthole shack in the as chips !

  7. I feel the yearning in this poem. There is something about the smell of the country & also being so close to streams and rivers that is good for the soul! Go for it..

  8. One feels the pull so strong to savor the goodness of country-life far away from the concrete jungle.


  9. I am never going to be a city person. The noise, the lack of trees...the smells of the country devoid there in the city. Yes the pull of the countryside is pure happiness and beautifully expressed here Robin!

  10. I grew up in what was country side. Now grown to urban bustling area. What was then and what is now is totally a different scenario.

    I moved to live in the urban/ city area and still live here. However. Though I luv jaunts to the country areas. I always can't wait to return to my present area.its actually quiet suburban with a bursts of city hype every so often.

    I luv your poem today.

  11. I, too, yearn for "that sweet smell of country life"!

  12. Been having similar thoughts lately.

  13. I am such a country girl at heart. Love this.

  14. YES! Time to visit your family in their beautiful country setting...and maybe build a Tiny House on a corner of the property? I just cant do cities any more.......we need the beauty of nature around us, my friend.

  15. I like the contrast between city and country life. Nice writing.

  16. City life can be tough and there is a peacefulness in the country. Put on your boots and enjoy a bit of countryside.

  17. Really nice work. I feel this way quite frequently.

  18. Being near water is essential! Wonderful poem, O.E.

  19. The thought of living in an urban sprawl is a horrible one. The only city I've ever lived in is one of England's smallest and that was bad enough! I'll stick with my country village. A beautiful, heartfelt poem. :)

  20. I did my big-town bit in my late teens when I lived in London Town. Now, countryside on three sides, the sea on the other! Freedom. Bliss.

    Visit Keith's Ramblings!

  21. this is my constant lament and so refreshing to hear in your lines especially "I have ranged too far and lost my roots"
    - yet still there is much to love about London when I take the trouble to find it

  22. I far prefer life in my country town than in the city.

  23. Sounds like a very nice place to prop my feet up, nice poem.

  24. Wow! the country life must be tranquil and very laidback. kind of like back in the islands then. it must be so nice.

  25. Being a city person I frown upon such poems generally
    But this captured my imagination immensely :)

  26. Sounds idyllic. A gentler pace is a more welcome thought.
