Saturday, 20 September 2014

Just inside the gate

Just inside the gate
To that sad cemetery
A grave marks the place

Where their love was dashed
And hope forever ruined
For their son lies there

Many plans were made
And so many dreams were dreamed
For their precious child

But as he sleeps on
There’s company around him
Trees whisper, birds sing

Parents cry sad tears
When they visit him there
Flowers nod their heads

Springtime and in fall
He is never alone now 
Forever sleeping

Image found at


  1. How sad and beautiful. I think this is the worst kind of loss a parent can endure.

  2. When I was thinking of the phrase I thought just inside the gate feels like just loss...almost touchable yet not quite...your poem is beautiful Old Egg..

  3. I am fortunate to have never lost a child. When my middle brother died, it occurred to me that I was happy that my mother had already passed, as she would have been devastated by his loss. Great poem of emotion.

  4. Parents should not live longer than their children. Beautiful, poignant poem.

  5. Such a sad thing to lose a child, but god will take care of him always.

  6. A word from the other side - he ain't sleeping. Sorry.

  7. Beautiful, comfort and hope found in love and compassion.

  8. Sad, tragic poem. I like the picture you used to illustrate it. Just the yellow of the daffodils is enough to point to hope.

  9. Oh, this is so sad. It would be so sad to lose one's child, and I would have a hard time thinking of the trees and birds being his only company now. Your poem sparks a lot of emotion in me, Old Egg, as I think this experience must be one of the most difficult for people to find a way through.

  10. so heartbreaking for parents to suffer like this...even time can't heal...

  11. I love the take on the grieving parents for the child ~ Though its heartbreaking, the sounds of nature keep him company ~ Enjoyed this one ~


  12. This is a very moving poem. I like the idea that nature can bring a little comfort when such a tragedy occurs. I now a few couples, including my parents, who have lost a child and I know how hard it is for them even a decade later.

  13. well written... let us rest in peace too.

  14. it's such a sad poem, but written with such beauty.

  15. I like how the cheerful nature accompany the sadness, creating the contrast and as saying nothing ever ends...

  16. "Trees whisper, birds sing".....I love the peace in the closing lines, and ache for the parents who lost their beloved child.

  17. losing a child means so much more than anything else, in a way the sorrow goes beyond the private and becomes universal, children are out shared future..

  18. very sad and haunting. an empty space unable to be filled!

    stacy lynn mar

  19. Hiya, Love the simple, quiet and tender tone of this piece especially - perfect for its theme...

  20. Nicely built of stanzas that at first isolate and then compensate. It will not be enough, I am certain, but sing birds, sing.

  21. I can't imagine anything sadder. But yes, life goes on and birds keep singing.

  22. Such fragility young lives have, their loss can make stronger ties or break them.

  23. The loss of a loved one is always a tragedy..but the death of a child seems particularly so. Even in a graveyard, seeing a tombstone for a child is very different than seeing one for anyone else. You've captured that well here.

  24. very sad content, very good haiku sequence, have a nice week, thanks for stopping over at my blog

    much love...

  25. What a sad and tearful piece you have here. Makes me contemplate about my own death or someone close to me's passing away. Headstone and grave and location in cemetery as well.

  26. The biggest grief and loss in the world is child's loss.
    Very emotional and gravely sad
