Wednesday 17 June 2020

When all else fails

What on earth do you do when all else fails?
When young went to pub to have some ales
This wears thin if you prefer to drink gin
If musical you can play the violin
But if a friend is close have a long chat
Without a friend best to talk to your cat
If married you have a wife to share it
However she might be cross I admit
But she's your partner to share all concerns
And will help you out with all twists and turns
She married you so in you she can trust
Quite apart from the small matter of lust
Yes you are a formidable couple
Quite apart from the fact that she is supple
Recall your wedding the look in her eyes
She trusts you so you know that she's wise

Image found at


  1. Recalling the good times, a smart idea
    Happy Wednesday


  2. I second Gillena's thought, few things are as helpful and smart as letting the good times (and the good people in our lives) lift us up when we are down.

  3. Yes, nothing is better than that to lift the spirits!

  4. I too tend to go down memory lane when feeling down in the dumps!💝

  5. Fascinating that during this time of quarantine my thoughts have focused on memories of old .... quite the comfort I have discovered.

  6. I'm grateful that my husband is a wonderful partner in life.

  7. Joyful memories can certainly bring light to dark days.

  8. Wives do trust. I used to also, and am getting some back after another betrayed my trust. That one I should have confided in the cat. :-)

  9. I agree with all of the above, Robin. My husband and I will be reminiscing this weekend whlle going through a big box of photographs. He’s my best friend.

  10. When all else fails each of us can count on his memories
