Saturday 27 June 2020

Welcome swallows

I used to welcome swallows many years ago
They came visiting finding cooler place to go
We waited for their visit in the early spring
They soared and swooped and dived but really couldn't sing
There must be five different ones in Aussie land
Seen them fly and swoop over edge of coral strand
By ocean checking flotsam floating in the sea
Exploring was like the gates to the best place to be
My wife and I did this quite a lot to unwind
Wanting to explore to see what we could find
Like watching rare birds nesting in cliffs in Devon
Until our bellies told it was time for some food
Bread sandwiches and put kettle on a hot fire
Life was good with hobby which we would never tire 
I often go walking on the beach recalling this
When we forged our union of domestic bliss
I am on my own now for that's the way of life
But will never forget my beautiful wife

Image found at


  1. I always loved the swooping swallows when I lived further south. Here in the sub-tropics, it's the darting lorikeets which usher in Spring.

  2. You captured the swoop of the swallows in the rhythm and rhyme of this poem, Robin, and I enjoyed beachcombing with you.

  3. Such a beautiful sight, perfectly described.

  4. Where to we soar to? Do we come back next year?

  5. Isn't it wonderful how one thing reminds us of another? In this case, the swallows reminding the writer of his wife. Those were good days. Thank you, swallows.

  6. Memories are good at keeping our loves near. I wonder if the sparrows remember the watchers, too...

  7. My childhood was far from any shore, but we did have barn swallows and they had the same, wonderful, free-wheeling swoop to their flight. Always fun to watch. Thanks for sharing your memories...and bringing up some of mine!

  8. This is gorgeously written, Robin!💝 I too love the swallows and often admire their unerring regularity to the same nesting sites every year. 💝

  9. Oh love this the soaring and swooping birds and the watching together. What a beautiful memory captured in words

  10. Good that the swallows' return, are also for you, returning to a happy memory

    Thanks for dropping by my sumie Sunday


  11. i love this you great romantic you! lol great write.

  12. You are blessed to have had such a happy marriage. Beautiful memories.

  13. Sounds like you had some beautiful adventures

  14. Beautiful. And what a close … it brought a lump to my throat. Up there with some of your very best work, Robin. I know your wife would utterly adore this piece.

  15. Ah, the swallows return to pick off mosquitoes in the air. We watch them as well and I will think of this the next time we pause to watch them.
    You cherish each memory as you share them with us.
