Wednesday, 24 January 2018

You were armed


How I was glad you were armed
With such sweet weapons of love
The first of course were your eyes
Eager I fell into your trap
Hearing your seductive sighs

Never had I been so keen
Breathing in your sweet perfume
The touch of your fingers soft
Such heavenly gift was that
Made my poor heart soar aloft

Your pink lips parted for a kiss
I, slave to your beck and call
Your warm body of such allure
Confirmed we had met our match
Joyful finding love so pure

Image found at


  1. This poem felt so wonderfully complete...the flow and tone perfect

  2. Yummy words! Words of true love!
    Anna :o]

  3. Ah, those sweet weapons of love! Great take on the prompt, Robin!

  4. That heady feelingh of knowing oneself in love, and loved. Lovely to read, Robin.

  5. Ah, how romantics yearn to be overwhelmed and disarmed by love! You make it sound heavenly while also implying powerlessness.

  6. May such honey-traps increase the world over. Beautiful, beautiful....

  7. You are such a romantic softie Oldegg.

  8. The most lovely weapon of all. Love this Robin!!
