Tuesday, 30 January 2018

My cool friend

Old Sun greets us with the lark
But prefer my friend in the dark
One who helps on passions days
Whose silvery light knows lovers ways

My cool friend does secrets keep
As on lovers trysts none peep
Our words whispered on nights breeze
Drift away, just us to please

For she alone sees us kiss
Oh Moon t'is day and you I miss
For Sun peeps up in the East
My lips have had such a feast

I've touched my love, she's touched me
Now away, lest others see
Sun is cross he glares at us
But we laugh at all his fuss

Image found at https://www.pinterest.com.au/

Sunday, 28 January 2018

Unique riches

The tangerine ball that is the sun
Sinks slowly in the west once again
Her flames roasting us one more time
sure to return tomorrow

As beachgoers skin glowss pink and peels
And their toddlers tongues lick icecream cones
Ma with paper on head fancies trip
for Macca's fast food tonight

While I think of snowfields glistening white
No spiteful ants, flies, but cool silence
Telling me more setting me thinking
why do we import palm trees?

And why are we never satisfied?
We copy everything we create
For it's far better to be ourselves
not the plural of others

Image found at http://www.palmcove.net/

Saturday, 27 January 2018

I couldn't move

I couldn't move
She'd fell asleep
As I read a book
To her that night
Our breathing matched

She's beautiful
I feel the warmth
Of her body
So close to mine
I kiss her brow

Should be in bed
So raise her up
The slightest grunt
As she lays down
On the pillow

I tuck her in 
Turn the light off
Quietly leave
Closing the door
To tidy up

Five minutes on
Retired myself
"You took your time"
She said to me
"Lets warm you up"

Image found at https://www.medicalnewstoday.com

Rainy Day

Cat sat by the door waiting
Holding everyone to ransom
It was a rainy day and both
He and the dog wanted to go outside

I opened the door slowly
The dog grinned then looked at me
And performed a pirouette
The cat just glowered at me in disgust

So the dog scampered off out
Ran over the lawn, cocked leg
Then ran in circles before
Prancing, leaping and looking back at me

Cat meanwhile scowled with disgust
Tip-toed his way to the shed
With dangerous look on face
To hide in the dense weed and out of sight

By magic the sun now came out
Clearly a change on the way
Meanwhile the dog was trampling
The long grass by the boundary fence

Joan called me from the kitchen
Morning coffee had been made
Smug cat now smiled on the step
With not one wet hair on his sleek body

I had a towel for the dog
Shook himself all over me
Cat jumped on the window sill
As my lovely wife laughed herself silly

Image found at https://commons.wikimedia.org

Thursday, 25 January 2018

It's over now

It's over now, you're not coming back
I know that now, it hurts so much, my dear
Seeing you left me well ahead of time
But that you fought so long and hard to stay

I remember in the beginning how
You were juggling me and an airman
Surprised me you went north one weekend
To tell me later you'd given him up

So we were married in less than a year
Very snug in our one bedroom flat
After the best honeymoon in Paris
A short walk to Jardin du Luxembourg

Three kids and six grandchildren to fill 
Our lives, finding a home far from home
In Australia to spend all our days
Now I have got to find where you went to

Prompt words used 'over', 'beginning', 'back', 'ahead'.

Image Palais du Luxembourg and gardens found at www.tripadvisor.com

Wednesday, 24 January 2018

You were armed


How I was glad you were armed
With such sweet weapons of love
The first of course were your eyes
Eager I fell into your trap
Hearing your seductive sighs

Never had I been so keen
Breathing in your sweet perfume
The touch of your fingers soft
Such heavenly gift was that
Made my poor heart soar aloft

Your pink lips parted for a kiss
I, slave to your beck and call
Your warm body of such allure
Confirmed we had met our match
Joyful finding love so pure

Image found at https://pixabay.com

Saturday, 20 January 2018

Across the valley

I looked across the valley
To view the town of my birth
The church stood above the rest
As the bells chimed a welcome
To entice us from our homes

The soothing sounds of childhood
The mad tunes of foolish youth
Seduced by albums design
Which came from grooves of vinyl
Now play lists are on the phone

We all have a use by date
When our final days come round
Our footprints in shifting sand
Are then blown into the void
Gone our plethora of days

Once we were an eager sponge
Soaking up lifes rich bounty
One day we find journey's end
All the riches we gathered
None but memory remain 

Image found at www.thetimes.co.uk

The mirage of now

Whispering as we entered the caves
As though some spirit might welcome us
Who'd been hibernating long years past

We held our breath our eyes came to see
Stalactites gittering as with frost
Guide then whispering welcomed us in

Sleeping bats hung under the caves dome
With faltering steps we ventured on
Until we had to bend right down low

The guide's torch now reveals a scene where
Skeletons of ancient people lay
Unseeing, rejected from our world

To sleep alone for eternity
But they teach us of life and of death
Dust and droppings their final wreath

Tour is over we make our way out
Our eyes slowly adjust to the light
The mirage of now comes back to view

Image found at http://www.scienzenotizie.it/

Thursday, 18 January 2018

The old oak told me

I spent a lot of time
when I was very young
in trees

I hid from my brother
who seemed not to know how
to climb

The old oak tree told me
secrets and gave me acorns
to spread

Where I could like children
to find a home to live
and grow

I looked up at a pine
she then looked down at me

Look at my pine cones boy
pick them up, toss them out
to play

To drop the seeds away
to grow tall just like me

Then by the riverside
I saw this willow bent

Can I help? Then I saw
her tears were seeds falling

Down the river to find
somewhere to live and grow
like me

So decided to help
plant their seeds where I could
to live

Image found at http://www.ptsdspirituality.com

Wednesday, 17 January 2018

Lonely as a cloud

Once I wandered lonely as a cloud
Did not express my thoughts out loud
When childlike life was mostly play
But with an urge to seize the day

I looked at girls they laughed at me
But there was one I could see
Was happy to walk and hold my hand
'til foolish I spied a girl named Anne

It wasn't until I thought a bit 
This was no way of doing it
Here was I indulging my all
For soon this led to my downfall

I had not thought of how they felt
For met this girl, my heart did melt
Was convinced she was next to none
Despite my pleas, was not the one

All through my life I dreamed of her
Yet so much else is just a blur
Until one day Facebook request
There she was, now my soul can rest

Image found at https://depositphotos.com

Tuesday, 16 January 2018

I breathe your scent

I gently kiss your pretty nose
and run my fingers though your hair
your sighs repeated not only once
as I whisper soft words that I care

Those fingertips touch my face
you tenderly look me in the eyes
I hold you close and promise all
as tears confirm our future ties

I breathe your scent that I know so well
your embrace confirms our love
as murmurs of our passion stir
and pray for blessings from above

Image found at http://stylesatlife.com/articles/different-types-of-kisses/

Saturday, 13 January 2018

Foggy January day

A train's whistle muffled in the mist
as shady figures faded from my sight
so like a chicken without a head
I fumbled around with turn and twist

What sane person would walk in dense fog
like taking a stroll down a dark shady lane
or a thick forest with no trails
without the assistance of a guide dog?

No! I'm not superstitious at all
but could list more than a hundred things
playing this game has no grain of sense
Gravity; on my face I'll surely fall!

Image found at https://www.pinterest.com.au

How time flies

Wistful was his mood now
Their time to leave came round
The visit had relieved all fears

The childrens' cold faces 
Shone in the moon's bright light
And the stars twinkled in their eyes

The old farmer's daughter
Brought them up to visit
The dark night now hiding his tears

His voice as harsh as gravel
Did speak of love and things
Before they then said their goodbyes

She leaned against him then
Touching his gnarled old hands
The children he'd not seen for  years

Jess said they'd come again
He so hoped that was true
But the farmer knew how time flies

Image found at https://www.shutterstock.com        

Wednesday, 10 January 2018

Rainy days

I wait for the tram
Watching the threatening clouds
Raincoat in my case

Then swipe my ticket
Find a seat by the window
Stare at the grey sky

She got on stop nine
Tall, dark, hair was all frizzy
Classic high cheeked face

She looked at no-one
But she knew I looked at her
I read the paper

Then the sky darkened
As I read her beautiful eyes
And her turned up nose

We reached the city
The rain poured down in torrents
At Town Hall she rose

Then I caught her eyes
And gave her my newspaper 
She took it grinning

Smiling in the rain
With that paper on head and
Unfinished crossword

From that day onward
We would both sit together
The crossword not done

Image found at http://sliceoflondonlife.com

Sunday, 7 January 2018

Last dancing flames

The crackles had stopped
The last dancing flames 
Slowly died away
Amy looked around 
For paper or wood
Something flammable

She blew the embers
Lest the fire went out
She pushed the poker 
Under the black coals
Raising them slightly
A smallest of glows

Sizzles turned to flames
Stone hearth looked cheerful
She heard shouts outside
The brass doorknob turned
He looked at the hearth
"Good lass, Amy love"

Their eyes met briefly
"Get us some drinks now"
"Yes sir, right away"
Curtsied, left the room
She grinned silently
No one knew just yet

Image found at https://www.pinterest.com.au/

Saturday, 6 January 2018

The pebble beach

Luckily it had been a warm night
Binge drinking session over
I woke up on the pebble beach
With hungry seagulls watching me
But soon they were quickly put to flight

Staccato whistling of soaring birds
Checking the water for some food
And the gentle sprinking of rain
Convinced me to leave my stony bed
To farewell my sidekick who'd not stirred

Some hours later I could not deny
I felt thinner after a bathroom stop
Slick too shaving off my stubble
Then I spied my eyes in the mirror
Don't talk of my sin 'til by and by

Image found at https://hiveminer.com

The secret smile

I knew that she would  come for me
For she always returned my glances
I saw in her what few others see
Play my cards to better my chances

What stories her eyes they did tell
Her hands smooth as soft babies skin
I saw her, she put me in a spell
Only for me does she shyly grin

That was the ticket for love's chase
Her lowered eyes each time we meet
The secret smile on that sweetest face
What delicacy, just what a treat

Her hair was fair, her eyes were green
They stared at me my heart went "boom"
I saw the most charming girl I'd seen
She must be the bride and I the groom

Image found at https://www.wikiart.org/en/george-seeley/firefly-1907

Thursday, 4 January 2018

By the hearth

Back I went to old Alton town
I was worried that long gone
Memories would get me down
Those eyes for me always shone

I walked the lane where you did live
It's changed so much since that day
At the back door you would give
A sweetest smile and say "Hey"

Once alone in your own room
Your full lips I used to kiss
For you were a precious bloom
You're still what I really miss

The long years have passed us both by 
Our ways took a different path
I recall you dark brown eyes
Us cuddled warm by the hearth

Image found at www.pinterest.com