Wednesday 2 September 2020

The joy of rest

I am not one for rest

No, I do not like that best

Up every morning with the lark

Or fidgety in winters dark

Then once all the chores are done

Off I go down the park for a run

Must confess there are times

I sit still writing rhymes

Words now flow freely from my brain

What a great hobby to keep sane

Cup of coffee by my side

Interruptions I do not abide

Once the poen has been writ

Ponder what you'll think of it

It's evening now so off to bed

In morn will check what you have said

Of mine and see what others do

And comment kindly on your work too

Image found at


  1. Ah yes rest in poetry is a joy
    Happy Wednesday Robin


  2. I am a night owl, but don't sleep in late – so there are little naps during the day. Writing the verses does tend to take precedence over retiring!

  3. Well when you're working on something you love, it hardly feels like work at all. It's much more like play. And play is sort of like rest's active sibling.

  4. Thank you Robin, for getting written so that we can read it when we wake up. I assume this is the actual telling the tale, more times than not it is my made up alter ego who writes lie after lie using my pronun "I". I did that last night here on my smart Galaxy 8 cell phone. Thanks for reading while I slept.
    Waking up earlier as we get older, I woke up at 3:45 and couldn't get back to sleep so I got up ar four. Mrs. Jim uses an ambien so she can get five hours of sleep. We go to bed around midnight.

  5. You are right. Poetry keeps one sane.

  6. We are fortunate to have our propensity for writing. Some nights my brain will not stop and I have midnight epiphanies that require that I get up and write them down so my brain can shut off and let me sleep!

  7. This sounds a lot like my days, except I don't run. :)

  8. I identify with much of your poem, Robin, rising with the lark and sitting still writing rhymes, but not the run in the park – a walk is enough for me! And writing and reading definitely keep us sane.

  9. Poetry, oh yes, It fills my days and keeps me hungry to write.

  10. I like your style
    Makes me smile
    You’ve got the right stuff
    All business, no fluff

  11. so handsome as well
    surprised,who could tell
    i should have been nicer
    please buy me a splicer
    it's my birthday soon
    i dont want the moon
    i don't want the moon

