Saturday, 24 July 2021

Returning home

I returned home from the city

I'd forgotten the beauty here

With the perfume of the farm fields

That fragrant scent that called me there

And sweet bloom of the wild flowers

With sight of birds over the woods

And foxes sniffing round the roots

I followed the path to the farm

Word had it that all was not well

Dad insisted that I come back

Trusting I made this last journey

To find that Ma was ill in bed

T'was an act I'll not forget

Sadly she died holding my hand


  1. I loved the beauty you rediscovered in the opening lines. The sad ending – yet thankfully not too late – makes it bittersweet.

    1. Thank you Rosemary. Being there as loved ones die hurts a lot but how thankful you are that you did.

  2. A sad one, i wonder, is this why you chose not to rhtme?

    Happy Sunday


  3. Very bittersweet piece, full of the warmth of nostalgia with the reminder that time will change things.

  4. it's a sad ending, but at least you are glad you made it back.
    the beauty in the opening lines did not prepare me for the ending, but it's a really lovely poem.

  5. A wonderful revisit of the magic of your childhood surroundings, and a sweetly sad time to say goodbye to your mother. How wonderful that you could be with her as she passed.

  6. I really like the vivid descriptions of the land and how it affects us. The ending is so very sad...

  7. Oh, this is incredibly sad and uplifting at the same time. I held my Mother as she passed, a memory / a feeling I will carry with me forever.

  8. What a poingnant poem which started so beautifully and suddenly life takes a wrong turn
