Sunday, 21 February 2021

Io and me (Chapter 1)


I made a stopover in Athens on the way home to Australia. During safety instructions a girl passenger came down the aisle; who was being directed to sit alongside me. She had virtually no luggage, just one large red leather handbag.

I nodded, then settled back down again. She looked all around checked her seat controls and was about to recline her seat so had to dissuade her until after take off. She complied but grinned at me cheekily and said “So you are a Taurus too.” As the plane taxied.

“We’ve met before.” She continued.

“Have we?”

“At the Acropolis"

“Yes, but the temple of Hera looks a bit sad now"...

“That bitch! They should have pulled the whole lot down.”

“Well that is what the Greek gods were like" I laughed.

She grinned "Why do you think I am here?”

I introduced myself, “I’m Robin, going to Australia.” I held out my hand to shake hers. She looked doubtful but placed her hand in mine. What a beautiful hand it was; soft and ridiculously sexy. Thinking hard she finally said “Io” with a tiny shrug of her shoulders.

That’s Greek isn't it?

“No! I am a Naiad.”

The stewardess came with drinks. While we were choosing I guessed she was pulling my leg.

 “So your Dad was Inachus, but your Mum was....?”


“Was it? Well you’re Greek you should know.”

“I am not Greek!’ She said getting worked up. “I am Arcadian.”

“Yes, right. So, you’re going to Australia?”

“Is that where we are going?”

“How did you get on without knowing where you are going?”

Ignoring me, she said “I needed someone to help me.”

Smilng seductively placing hand on mine with pleading eyes. I was electrified. With my last fragment of sanity I said “You probably don’t need me at all.”

“You’re right,” she said “I just thought it might be fun with a younger man.”

“Io,” I said “I am not young”

“How old do you think I am then?’” She replied flicking her ten fingers up hundreds of times, finishing with just four. “It will work out.”

I had an uneasy feeling about this, she must be about 3500 years old

368 words

Readers; in case you are wondering; yes, there is more to come!

Illustration from


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Yikes....beware of geriatric Greeks bearing gifts :)

  3. OMG! Ghosts on the flight

    Happy Sunday Robin


  4. The perfect interpretation of "flight of fancy"!

  5. hey you never know with those pagan gods

  6. This was a flight that could have possibly crashed!! And burned.

  7. Haha what an interesting conversation with naiad Nymph of the flowing water (had to look that one up. I don't know my Greek gods that well.

  8. Oh, I am glad to know there is more to come; can hardly wait.

  9. The deities of antiquity were known to chase a human or two back in their time. It doesn't always work out too well for the human though. May Psyche look after him.
