Saturday 9 January 2021

Visitors to the cave

Some visitors came to the cave one morning that said they were from a clan not far off, waving to the north. Yum and Dong kept their heads bowed appearing not to listen. Yum was feeding Lah-Lah even though she was nearly weaned. The name they had chosen for her was Lara and their boy Wah-Wah's name was now Wara; a name normally given to a water deviner as he often came home wet. 

The men were from Song's tribe and were proposing that the cave people should join them so they should support each other against intruders and other reasons.The discussion lasted long as the visitors were asked what benefits were there for the cave people? Dum had kept quiet but then spoke; "I may only have one eye but I can see clearly. You have come because you need us. We can survive in cold seasons and in warm ones. Food is plentiful in all seasons for us and we survive well." The clan members nodded in agreement. 

"If you have done this too, why do you need us?" Dum asked.

The visitors put their heads together whispering then the leader spoke up.

"We have heard that you do things we do not, you eat more food from the sea and catch animals in different ways" He paused then said " Perhaps in exchange we could show you what we do?"

Dum laughed " You have been watching us but don't understand what we are doing, so what can you do to help us?"

Again they bent over and murmured together, then nodded, "We grow our own food and store some for winters hard times but we need you to make our tribe bigger, be stronger to resist our enemies".

At this point Yum nodded to Dum, who bent over and she whispered "I think their spirit woman Song has suggested this to them. At this Dum nodded but said nothing other than announce to the visitors they should share a meal with them and continue the talk later.

The visitors nodded as Yum looked at Dong whispering "Good more honey for us"

(355 words)

Image found at (I tried to find some cavemen gathered together discussing the amalganation but could only find cave women !) 


  1. Your primitive peoples seem more civilised than many contemporary ones!

  2. Love how your story comes to life as it is so descriptive and can see the people joining and murmuring to each other.

  3. a great progression of the story.
    yes, the primitive people seem more civilised than us modern ones. let's hope they don't invent money yet. :)

  4. I loved the sly humor of the changing of Wah-Wah's name to Wara because, like a water diviner, he came home wet! I wonder if many of today's generation knows what a water diviner is. Your tale continues to enthrall!.

  5. At the risk of repeating myself, I thoroughly enjoy this well penned story of a clan from eons ago.

  6. As always, I enjoy the progression. It's very interesting to see a people, a world, being built right in front of us. I remember when they were just figuring out that fire made food taste better. And now they are discussing politics. Fantastic!

  7. They're learning first hand the benefits of cooperation. Sensible lot... we should take a lesson from them.

  8. You hold my interest with eagerness for the next episode. How interesting the newly introduced tribe had been watching, rather than spying. And the interactions so far peaceful

    Happy New Year Robin
    Thanks for dropping by my blog


  9. The kids are growing up! ^__^
    Your story continues to be engaging and deeply creative.

  10. Trade goods/services for a common defense, hmmm...
