Friday 22 January 2021

Trapped in the storm.

All the cave dwellers had moved to the village where spirit woman Song lived. She persuaded the head man that Dum would be a useful and creative member. Although some cave dwellers were unsure at first, the watertight roofed huts to live in persuaded them that it was a safer place to be as the village had a fence around it. 

One day however Dum and Grunt were hunting in the forest when a terrific storm trapped them there. They were soaking wet and couldn't light a fire and the streams and rivers were dangerous to cross even bursting their banks and some tall trees had been blown down.

Carefully avoiding danger they made their way back to the sea. Dum kept lifting his nose to catch its scent as the damage and debris was vast. Finally they made their way to the seashore. There were fresh rivulets everwhere bound for the ocean. Heading back toward the village settlement was difficult as flood water was too dangrous to cross. As the tide was coming in Dum persuaded Grunt to help him get a fallen branch into the sea water and use that to carry them up toward the village. Luckily the tide was on the turn and pushing them back to shore so paddling the branch they managed to head for the village. Recognising where they were he slipped off the branch to see if he could feel the sea bed. Finally it felt firm underfoot and they left the branch and safely waded to shore again.

Getting back to the village Yum hugged him tight as he told her what happened. She in turn showed him the damage done to the village huts losing their roofs but everyone was safe. Later he told her what they had done saying that he might use a large log to travel out to sea to fish and explore. 

"One day perhaps" Yum replied doubtfully..

Word count 328.

Image from


  1. Another exciting adventure! I'm loving it all.

  2. A history of civilisation in simple stories! I love the way the cave-dwellers and villagers pooled their talents, but what a shame they lost their roofs. The part about the flood was gripping. Dum’s ideas are getting more and more adventurous.

  3. Love your story.
    Dum is very wise.
    Anna :o]

  4. Losing their roofs saddened me ....

  5. the desire to explore--can be so strong. I am enjoying this adventure!

  6. Always ready for the next chapter!

  7. I know I've said this in the past, and since good things are worth repeating, I will say it again: I really love how you introduce progress into these series. You always do it so subtly, that if we aren't paying attention we might miss the importance of it. I can't wait to see what seafaring will add to the story.

  8. YoHoHo OE — guess it’s off to sea we’ll go. Some look out and see only the horizon, while others look out and see the future. Nice writing!

  9. Natural disasters phenomenon of past present and future.
    Happy Sunday Robin


  10. Vulnerable to the forces of a nature. Almost lost them there.

  11. what an adventure! and Dum is on the way to the invention of the boat. :)

  12. Ah, it looks like they are on the edge of a new chapter for their village! Dum has an instinct for discovery.
