Wednesday, 11 November 2020

I like crows


I like crows 

Goodness knows

Why I think this way

It's their character I guess

I see them and they see me

They cock their heads as you see

Crows like me

Fly right down

As I open door

To see what I'll give them today

They eat all the scraps I throw out

That they like me there is no doubt

Image found at


  1. In the house from which we just moved, crows congregated in the woods nearby each norning, and held what I came to think of as their committee meeting. There was much "discussion", then one loud voice of dismissal and they all flew away for their daily missions. It repeated itself each morning. Seems now I know they were on their way to your place!!

  2. Well I have to confess crows are not my favorite bird however your upbeat poem created a most pleasing reaction!

  3. It is good to make a connection with our feathered friends!

  4. Robin, I liked the shape of this poem. I tried to adapt a mood from it but this early morning my moods are crass.
    Crows always seemed so aloof and undisturbed by onlookers. The only ones I have seen were in London in the Tower of London Castle grounds. We dared not feed them, they had a Royal Guard watching their diets.
    Incidentally, on our first visit there we met our fellow church neighbor, a cigar smoker, with whom we had travelled with before to Hawaii.

  5. Love our feathered friends.
    Anna :o]

  6. See what a treat will do? Good one, Robin!

  7. People learned to dislike crows from ancestors who raised grain, which crows like to eat while humans are letting it ripen. In places where nobody's raising grain there's no real reason not to like crows.
