Saturday 10 October 2020

In the rock pool

With Dum's woman Yum and Dong now friends and helping each other with their children. Dum and Grunt (Dong's husband) also went out hunting together.

The women decided that they too would collect fruit and shellfish and Dum and Grunt could catch animals and birds and even fish if they could work out how to snare them.

As the women wandered off together, on the beach the men found the freshwater streams from the hills entering the sea as the sea tried to push the water back upstream again.

Dum suddenly had an idea to make a pond where river met the sea and this might leave any fish in the shallows stranded in the pond when the tide went out.

So they built a rock and pebble wall that would be under the sea at high tide but would retain the fresh water when the tide went out. They went home that night with grins on their faces with a haul of fish knowing that they would get more than a good feed that night.

Dum and Grunt told their wives about the fish trap and said as they had made it the women should collect the fish when the tide went out and tell the other wives they could take some themselves afterwards. It took some time for the other women in the cave to understand as they would go there when the tide was out when it was empty. When they saw Yum and Dong carrying back fish each day they got in the habit of following them down and waiting to get their share.

This is another episode in the Caveman series I wrote many years ago. More to come if requested!

Word count 264

Image shows a prehistoric fish trap still existing in Australia


  1. Definitely requesting more! I want the lot. I'm enjoying these tales, or parts of one tale, and it seems to me they must have been quite well researched.

    1. Thankyou Rosemary. I don't know about well researched but I am quite old and still remember a lot!

  2. An excellent example of a community working together, Robin.

  3. A sweet tale. I love the 'teasing' way feel to it. Men sharing their catch; the wives going out there when it's empty. Women.

  4. I just read an article about prehistoric humans using heat to make stone tools a lot earlier than the scientific community thought. The article talked about how their brains were more developed that it was previously thought. Seeing Dum and Grunt clever scheme, in your story, made me think of that.

  5. loved the tale about the prehistoric innovators. :)

  6. Luv the early thinking. They figured it out. How wonderful
    Happy Sunday


  7. This reminds me of a book I read long ago called "Clan of the Cave Bear" by Jean Auel. It was a best seller, I believe. I love your imagination!

  8. Dum and Grunt ~~~ I love them, certainly want to know more. Like Bev, "Clan' reminiscent as well.

  9. Oh, it took them a bit, but they got it figured out. Love the story!

  10. I'm glad that you have been continuing this unique and fun story!
