Saturday 18 July 2020

The Moon and me

Light fades as sun slowly sets
Someone has stolen it away
That's enough work for the day
So I walk home in the dark

Time for the moon to say "Hi"
Her face reflects in the pond
Winking and grinning in play
Peering through trees in the park

Its silvery glance winks at me
Bringing tears to my sad eyes
Until clouds steal her away
And dogs howl instead of bark

Soon though her sweet fair faced look
Appears again laced with haze
Showing ringlets round her face
Clouds always up for a lark

Watching moon is without peer
I look at her and she me
Her sweeet fair face tells me much
As she journeys on her arc

Image found at


  1. What a perceptive and reflective poem - always good to play with the moon

  2. Can’t help but love a moon poem, Robin. I like the idea of someone stealing away the light, and the moon coming out to play, and especially the playfulness in the lines:
    ‘Soon though her sweet fair faced look
    Appears again laced with haze
    Showing ringlets round her face
    Clouds always up for a lark’.

  3. I love moon poems, and you've done this one really well.

  4. I second what Jae said The moon, beautiful and mysterious lends itself well for poetry as you have shown

  5. This is absolutely stunning, Robin!πŸ’ I like the idea of the moon and the clouds stealing away its light. It reminds me how fleeting time and everything truly is.

  6. Oh the moon, always a good one for companionship. Happy Sunday Robin. Thanks for dropping by my sumie Sunday today


  7. I think all we poets are in love with the moon, aren't we? This is delightfully written, a joy to read.

  8. this was a beautiful and contemplative read. i really liked it!

  9. Ahhh...I love her best when she wears those hazy ringlets. Nicely Captured!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I love this playful moon, winking and grinning! Just what I needed to lift my spirits during these dreary pandemic days. Thanks, Robin!

  12. I love thinking of clouds as the moon's hairdo. From now on, I will probably always think of that line when I see moon and clouds in the sky. Also, I love the relationship between the speaker and the subject... through it, we know they are never alone.

  13. Such a sweet poem. The moon is the best muse isn't she?

  14. Nice tribute to the moon. :)

  15. I love the clouds "up for a lark", and your interchange with the moon. Nothing like a moonlit walk!

  16. The moon as your companion that sometimes brings tears. A thought that brings us in closer to the stolen light.

  17. I love the idea of moon watching as barks turn to howls...

  18. Winter moons are special Lovely poem

  19. Charming, in the sense of enchanting. Love the way it draws me down the path.

  20. I love this walk with the moon. So many lines to love I can't choose one.
