Wednesday 15 July 2020

One last kiss

When I was young I saw many things
As boys do their eyes ever agog
When they played in the fields, woods and streams
For this old man it now fills my dreams
I drift to sleep in my lonely bed
Won't be long before I too am dead

Now my dreams are filled with my full past
Living through wars with identity cards
Hearing the drone of planes overhead
Going on bus for a penny each time
Never complaining about food I ate
Always swinging on our garden gate

When a teen, sports and girls filled my mind
'Til the right one crossed my path one day
Just started work and was free as a bird
Being with her best thing in the world
Greatest find after a few years search
Within a year we married in church

Now here I am and dreaming again
An old man now left all by himself
Seeing loving family such a prize
Sat in my armchair quite satisfied
Who could ever want more than this
Except from you my love; one last kiss

Image found at


  1. It seems that something is caught in my eye, Robin.

  2. What a great picture you found for this one!

    Being of similar vintage, I too enjoy reflecting and reminiscing on my long, full life, and counting past and present blessings.

  3. I so well understand this poem. I am many years a widow, and still I long for the voice of my husband, the strong shoulder to lean on, and I, too, long for one last kiss.

  4. This is so poignant! The longing here is palpable 💝

  5. This is precious, Robin. Your early and married life has been one to write volumes about. Thank you for sharing so well here.

  6. Aw...that last line...the feels
