Sunday, 21 April 2019

Sat by the fireside

Sat by the fireside
It's almost daylight
But the fire is out
Wish life had a map

I am drunk of course
No words can be said
Sometimes that's best
Just call me a sap

I just lost my wife
She walked out the door
Anywhere but here
First gave me a slap

Not about money
Or time at the bar
But catching me out
With girl on my lap

Forward a few years
In my tiny flat
Struggling to exist
Inside cheaters trap

Heards she has done well
Spacious house and babe
I can see you all
Giving a hands clap

Image found at


  1. And clap they should!! Do you think you should have just had another pint instead???

    A good poem from "that sides" perspective

  2. Some mistakes you don't come back from. It's a shame the subject didn't realize that sooner.

  3. Sometimes the things we do in life teach us life lessons..

  4. A tale with a realistic ending. Well told, Robin.

  5. Not clapping. Sad for the outcome.

  6. Very vivid, Robin. I can see every image, hear every smack (slap!), feel the emotions that lead to the speaker's end.

    Also, I really like that the last lines of each stanza, seem to tell their own wee tale:

    Wish life had a map
    Just call me a sap
    First gave me a slap
    With girl on my lap
    Inside cheaters trap
    Giving a hands clap

  7. Wish life had a map? Well, join the crowd---so do I. Unfortunately, I have yet to find one. So I keep wandering and writing and wondering...

  8. I think justice has been served in this poem...

  9. You are an awesome storyteller, Robin. I like your choice of telling the tale from the perspective of the antihero. Now that's a unique take.

  10. You have really written a fine story in your lines here, Robin! You are great with tales of love that works and love that doesn't.

  11. Ah well i think the slap is deserving and so do the perpetrator, so does that make this a tale of woe or repentence😊


  12. interesting point of view from the anti-hero's side.
    should have stay longer at the pub though.
