Sunday 16 August 2020

Suddenly it's Summer

Harbour, Water, Ships, Night, Sea, Ocean    

Suddenly it is now summer

My old mind takes me back again

Warm comforting days long ago

Clutching fingers on the sea shore

Feet paddling in the sea water

Now you're not with me anymore

You're sitting at the mirtrow

Where once you wore braids in your hair

Oh those early days were magic

Now criel time shifts endlessly on

For happiness is so short lived

You've gone, who knows where anymore

Or are you next to me in bed

Remember honeymoon years gone?

Walking Paris streets holding hands

Dining in cafes was always fun

Using Metro like we lived there

Then back to live evermore

We never took that easy line

Was not enough for you and I

So went "Down Under"  with the kids

Adventure setting up again

There we stayed fopr rest of our lives

With our family evermore

Our lives were never "must do that"

We travelled here and everywhere

Adventuring all over globe

Had itchy feet to see what was there

Now my days are coming to a close

I can't promise to write anymore

Image of River Torrens at Glenelg in South Australia

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